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Black Trumpet (craterellus cornucopioides )
0,00 €
A fine strong-aroma mushroom, which is extremely difficult to find, the mushroom blends well in to the environment. You may often only notice a group of horn of plenty mushrooms, once you have been treading around for a while.
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Black Trumpet (craterellus cornucopioides ) 200 g
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Kaavin Herkkutattitehdas Oy
Black Trumpet (craterellus cornucopioides )
The product is for sale only in-store.
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Kaavin Herkkutattitehdas Oy
Black Trumpet (craterellus cornucopioides ) 200 g
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Kaavin Herkkutattitehdas Oy
Black Trumpet (craterellus cornucopioides )
The product is for sale only in-store.
Kaavin Herkkutattitehdas Oy
Tube Chanterelle (cantharellus tubaeformis ) 200 g
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Kaavin Herkkutattitehdas Oy
Black Trumpet (craterellus cornucopioides ) 200 g
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Kaavin Herkkutattitehdas Oy
Voimatie 7
82600 Tohmajärvi
VAT FI26671785
Martti Nyberg
+358 50 511 4090
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