(boletus edulis)
Porcini is one of the greatest edible mushrooms. Its smell and aroma are strong, and it’s no surprise that many organism types compete for it. The porcini we use are handpicked and carefully selected, always top quality.
Tube Chanterelle
(cantharellus tubaeformis)
Chanterelle is a high-yielding late autumn mushroom. It is present in groups and often as a large group. Our product is a mixture of Cantharellus tubaeformis and Cantharellus lutescens.
(cantharellus cibarius)
The fragrant chanterelle is a high-yielding mushroom, which is present in our forests already during mid-summer. The golden-yellow mushroom only gets better in the drier, the colour and aroma deepen.
Black Trumpet
(craterellus cornucopioides)
A fine strong-aroma mushroom, which is extremely difficult to find, the mushroom blends well in to the environment. You may often only notice a group of horn of plenty mushrooms, once you have been treading around for a while.